Sunday, August 2, 2009

5 Months!

Gracie is into her 5th month now, and I'd say this is her busiest yet! New food, new tricks...lots to share!

Gracie, as I mentioned in previous posts, has started solid (ish) foods! We began rice cereal once a day a month ago, and she hasn't looked back! Last week, we started green beans. I decided with Gracie I was going to make all her baby food, so I've been busy steaming and food-processing green beans and, for next week, yams!

Mid July, Grace rolled over for the first time! She rolled back to tummy, which I think is pretty impressive since tummy to back is typically easier. She hasn't stopped there! Now, she is trying to crawl!! Well, I don't know that she realizes she is trying to crawl, but she is! She scoots across the floor on her belly. Its adorable. Our days are defiantly numbered!

I also started weening her from her Zantac in the last few weeks. I think the solid foods have helped her reflux a great deal, because our happy girl is here to stay! QUICK! Someone knock on wood!!!!

I have a feeling months 6 and 7 are going to be even more eventful than this one! Next week will be her first trip to the lake, and I'm sure that will prove eventful too!


Maegan said...

Yay Gracie! She is such a little cutie. :) Making baby food really isn't that difficult at all, is it? I still reference my "Super Baby Food" book at least once a week. It is chocked full of handy little tidbits.